Why Experiment in the Kitchen

8535c63548f5f67a422db2eb1b71e654I once heard a lady talk about how she had started dozens of projects in her organization. She said the reason she and her team were able to accomplish so much was because they labeled every new program
“an experiment.” She said calling everything experiments meant that failure was part of the process, and this meant that it took away the pressure to succeed. The funny thing was, this one little word made the whole team far more successful than they ever had been.

This idea has stuck with me through many areas of life, but I find that one of the greatest places to apply it is in the kitchen.

Will this recipe be any good? I don’t know, it’s an experiment.
Will this ingredient work as well roasted as well as sautéed? I don’t know, it’s an experiment.
Man, that was nasty…oh well, it was an experiment.
This is scrumdidiliumptious…great experiment.

If we approached cooking with the attitude that mistakes were not only ok, but often helpful, maybe we’d learn how to cook really well. Maybe, if we treated every recipe like an experiment, we’d learn to eat really well.

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